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CV (pdf)

(last updated: August 2023)





  • Metaverse Catalyst Conference, IE University, Madrid, Spain (October 2022) (link)





  • Seed Grant award, Thapar University, 2020: PI of project on "Construction of a new family of mathematical models to simulate quasicrystal growth" total funding: 4,50,000 INR (by Thapar Institute of Engg. & Technology, Patiala, status: sanctioned)

  • Department of Biotechnology, Research Grant in Aid, 2020: PI and Project Co-ordinator in charge of a multi-university research grant on developing a COVID pandemic management technology for airborne contamination of hospitals by coronavirus, total funding: 42,21,760 INR (by DBT-BiRAC joint call for technology development against COVID 19, status: sanctioned)

  • Indo-USA international collaboration, 2020: Co-PI for developing a mathematical model for hyperthermia induced innate immunity strategy for gastric cancer treatment, total funding: 25,10,000 INR (by Thapar-Virginia Tech. joint consortium through Center of Excellence in Emerging Materials, status: sanctioned)

  • DST-SERB Early Career Research Award, 2019: PI in charge of investigating the role of wave turbulence in the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants in the SABL, total funding: 32,91,520 INR (by Department of Science & Technology, India, status: sanctioned)

  • Summer fellowship, 2011 (by Inst. of Theoretical Physics, Cargese, Corsica, France, University of Colorado, Boulder, and NCAR, Boulder)

  • Fields MITACS summer award, 2009 (by Fields Institute and Carleton University, Canada)                            


  1. JRF position towards a PhD in Mathematics under DBT research grant (coming soon).

  2. JRF position towards a PhD in Mathematical Physics under DST-SERB research grant (closed).


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skype id: amriksen

Los Angeles, CA, USA

© Amrik Sen 2017. 

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